A Beer Odyssey

I like beer. Unfortunately in Ireland most off licenses have very little choice in beer. My local off license like many in Ireland has a huge range of wines. It has the usual selection of spirits but I'd say if you really know your spirits it's not actually got a great selection. As for beer it has all the usual suspects but nothing much out of the ordinary. Though it's not the worst as it does stock one or two Belgian beers, some nice English ales and some Czech and Polish beers. Some off licenses don't even stock that much. So to get some new and interesting beers to drink of an evening the other half and I set off on a Beer Odyssey...

First off we went to Gibney's of Malahide. This is a lovely little off license which specializes in fine wines, they also have a really good beer selection. I got my beloved favourite beer of the moment Goose Island IPA.
Franziskaner Hefe Weisse
Goose Island IPA
Samuel Adams Boston Lager
James Boags Lager
Kasteel Cru
Maine Root Beer
Kriek Boon

Then it was off to McHugh's off license on the Kilbarack Road. This is a great off license for beer. There is a large fridge full of beers I haven't seen before. So naturally we went mad and bought quite a few of them as you can see.
O'Hara's Celebration Stout
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada ESB
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot 2008
Anchor Steam Beer
Hercules IPA
Strong Suffolk Vintage Ale
Black Sheep Riggwelter
Wychward Beewyched Honey Ale
Black Sheep Emmerdale
Fuller's 1845
Edelstoff Augustiner
Edelstoff Helles
Well's Banana Bread Beer
Hardcore Hard Cider
Kingstone Press Cider
And a six pack of Samuel Adams Boston Lager for good measure, cheap too!

And so alcoholism approaches :-)


The Beer Nut says
April 16, 2008 at 3:02 AM

Bit of a mixed bag, but there's some great stuff in there.

The Bigfoot may take a year or so before it's ready to drink. I'm planning to open my 2007 in the winter.