Jump Up Hop Back IPA
Extract plus Partial Mash
The Recipe:
Partial Mash Grain Bill:
485g Pale ale malt
65g Amber malt
Mashed in 4.5L of water at 70deg for 40 minutes
Sprinkle sparged with 4L of water at 82deg
2.5kg Pale Dried Malt Extract
Hop Schedule:
45 minutes: 14g Cascade
10 minutes: 14g Cascade
5 minutes: 7g Hallertauer
At end of boil 5g Cascade
15L Boil Volume
Final volume 20L
Starting Gravity: 1.040
Pitched with Safale S04 For this beer I decided to do a partial mash plus extract. Now that sounds pretty complicated but look at the picture. Does that look complicated? Or does that look like a pot with the grains mentioned above plus 4.5L of water at 70 degrees celcius stirred around and covered with a lid and a sleeping bag? Well that's what it is and that's partial mashing. It's pretty simple and it hopefully will make the beer taste better.
So while I left the pot to mash for 40 minutes I weighed out the hops and this being an IPA there were plenty of them. Cascade hops are the ones you find in most of the american IPA's that are so tasty so hopefully that flavour will come out here.
So after the grains had mashed I poured them through a strainer into my larger brew pot. I heated up 4L of water to 82 degrees celcius and poured this very slowly over the grains imitating the process of sparging. After this I increased the volume in the brew pot to 15L and noted the volume.
While all this was going on I made a yeast starter using some malt extract boiled up to sterilise it all. When it cooled I added a packet of safale s04 being careful to keep it all sterile.
I added 2.5kg of pale malt extract.
I added the hops in four additions.
45 minutes: 14g Cascade
10 minutes: 14g Cascade
5 minutes: 7g Hallertauer
At end of boil 5g CascadeThe starting gravity was 1.040. It took this a long time to cool down as the volume was bigger than my usual small 5L batches. I put the pot in the sink with icy water but still it took ages to cool. My next investment is a wort chiller so I get a good cold break. So I fretted about the formation of off flavours while it cooled down. I then poured the wort into the fermenter and increased the volume to 20L. When it eventually cooled down I pitched the yeast.
Six days later the gravity had dropped to 1.016 so I'll put into a secondary barrel soon. It was very tasty at this early stage so hopefully it'll improve even more with time. I'm thinking about dry hopping it with some cascade in the secondary to give it a real IPA taste.
Jump Up, Hop Back IPA Labels: Brewing, Recipes | 3 comments»
April 3, 2008 at 2:09 PM
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3 Responses to "Jump Up, Hop Back IPA" (Leave A Comment)
April 4, 2008 at 3:50 AM
Nice blog. My first partial mash was disaster. It was a wheat beer and my water was far too alkaline to mash pale malts, but I didn't have the info to treat the water. A wort chiller is a must. They're cheap to buy, but some of the lads on ICB did top jobs making them at home.
April 4, 2008 at 12:53 PM
It's my birthday next week so I had thehomebrewcompany.ie send me a wort chiller as a present. It's shiny and will be most useful. I tried to get my brother (the plumber) to make one but he kept forgetting so I just bought one.
August 11, 2008 at 5:07 AM
It seems that this beer was the true winner at the B & C on Friday. I'd love to try a bottle.
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